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Παρασκευή 14 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Ερντογάν : «Η Τουρκία ή θα μεγαλώση ή θα συρρικνωθή» - Εδώ βρίσκεται όλο το... «ζουμί» - Η Τουρκία ΘΑ ΑΛΛΑΞΗ ΣΥΝΟΡΑ (και μαζί τους... κι άλλων χωρών)

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan uttered a historic sentence during the latest cabinet meeting held at the Beştepe Palace in Ankara. I read it in daily Yeni Şafak writer Mehmet Acet’s column on Oct. 10. Take note of this sentence. This is what Acet wrote:

“Friends, Turkey can no longer stay at this point. The status quo will change somehow. We will either leap with moves forward; or we will be bound to shrink. Speaking for myself, I am determined to make onward moves,” the president said.

This is what was behind the harsh proclamation against Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on Oct. 11 at the Eurasian Islamic Council. He declared that Turkey will take steps independently in Iraq and Syria without taking permission from anybody.

It is clear that Erdoğan believes that...

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